Friday, March 19, 2010

Trinidad trip coming to an end

I can't believe that we are leaving Trinidad in 12 hours from now. This week has just been a blur. I have been so spoiled between being in the nice hot weather, constantly being greeted by Trinidadian natives and being taken care of by the Lee family. When I was talking to Aaron, Nicky's fiancee, today about what my expectations were about Trinidad, I told him that I was surprised of how beneficial the Trinidad economy is for the Americans. I was also surprised of how Americanized the country is, for example, there is a lot of American music that is played on the radio and a lot of the billboards are Americanized. Even the schooling in Trinidad is excellent. They have to take examinations to pass secondary school to go to primary school. They do not have that in the states. Plus, from what I have noticed, a lot of the Trinidadians are bi-lingual, something you do not see often from Americans. They speak English, Spanish and French. Americans would be lucky if they spoke broken Spanish, but that is my opinion and I am unfortunately one of those people.
Even though we did not do as much hiking or volunteering as much as we discussed before we came here, my goals were to see the sites of Trinidad and to see Nicky Lee and her family. The long, extraneous delay to Trinidad messed up all of our plans, so we had to make adjustments and I have to say, everything worked out to what we wanted. We went to the gorgeous Maracus Bay, sailed across the Carribean Sea and swam afterwards, we went to Nicky's school to present a lession about the environment, so it was more of a vacation which is fine and dandy for me.
Tonight will be our last night in Trinidad, but we are going to make the best of it no matter what happens. We are going to eat doubles "Doubs" again and we may possibly go out to the streets and see what happens. Either way, I am planning to stay up all night because we have to leave the villa at 4 a.m. to catch our 7 a.m. flight. I don't see the point to sleep for four hours and then go. I function better when I don't sleep while traveling than having little sleep. When we leave tomorrow, not only is spring break on the verge of ending but we are leaving paradise. Then we have to get back to the old grind of the United States. Yuck.

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