Monday, March 15, 2010

trinidad is... part 2

ok so that was an amazing night with Nikki and her family. They are the nicest funniest people i've met, and you can tell the family is so close. They took us to a little line of stands in the Savannah ( a very large grassy field) where the food and smells made all your mouths water. They had fruit juice, BBQ, soups, and everyone's favorite: Doubles. I actually partook in the consumption of chicken feet sauce. It is exactly as it sounds. Then we went on a walk around the Savannah and had coconut milk and jelly.

Today was a wonderful day.

But back to what i was saying before. The bad. I really had no idea what this trip would be. I was surprised. REALLY surprised. I honestly thought this was going to be a service trip, not an explore Trinidad trip. I guess in all my non planning methods, i completely forgot about the real reason for this trip: to visit a Smithie. And today we did just that plus so much more. We visited her country, her family, her friends, her culture, and her home. For the rest of the week we will continue to visit her native land and learn all that we can learn in our own individual ways. I may have had a rude wake up this morning when i arrived here, but i am now completely ok (completely WONDERFUL, actually) with this not-just-service-trip. All the components of this trip will make it the wonderful adventure it has the absolute potential to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi All,

    Nice meeting yall, I took a short video on my cellphone when we went for coconuts last night :)
